2025 Goals
Work & School
- Return to school in the program of my dreams
- Successfully minimize any school related costs
- Ace any classes I take
- Continue building my portfolio
- Lead a study group at work
- Increase my finances
- Rework my budget
- Save save save!
- Take the steps needed toward my career my dreams
- Publish at least one original short story
- Increase my overall writing output from 2024
- Make and wear at least 2-3 new cosplays
- Build a butterfly house
- Make a Gunne Sax dress knockoff
- Finish my sunflower blanket at long last!!
- Create a weekly schedule for my crafts and hobbies, ensuring that they all receive equal attention
- Take a pottery/sculpture class
- Enroll in weekly piano classes again
- Find an in-person writer's group––or start one!
- Find a stitch n' bitch––or start one!
- Get into miniature making at long last
Health & Wellness
- Get a massage
- Try rockclimbing
- Get my Tummy Troubles(tm) sorted
- Begin hiking again
- Find a women's group––or start one!
- Finish at least 25-30 books. I did not read nearly as much as I would have liked in 2024, so this changes now!
- Get back into attending pop culture conventions and cosplay events
- Repair, refit, and tailor clothes in need of TLC
- Go fruit picking again
- Celebrate the seasons by doing things that are unique to each of them
- Bake bread
- Bake seasonal fruit cobblers and pies
- Make my own jams and perserves
- Prune my pomegranate tree
- Keep up with my garden
- Volunteer somewhere, giving back my time
- Meet new people!
- Find more ways I can incorporate environmental sustainability into my life
- Find the perfect bedframe
- Plan a girl's trip to California's central coast
- Visit friends in Southern California
- Return to New York City
- Explore new places!
- Plan a springtime picnic
- Run through a field of wildflowers
- Attend the ballet!!
- Celebrate my Dirty 30 appropriately
2025 Pinboard
Welcome to my pinboard! Inspired partially by Rosemary's scrapbook and Dryad's notebook, the purpose of this page is to keep track of various goals, dreams, and wishes for 2025 and beyond. By being this intentional with them, I'm hoping to sustain my focus and not let anything fall to wayside!! These are all subject to change or removal! I plan to keep expanding this and letting it change over time, depending on what direction life goes in. Regardless I will be happy with what I do or achieve!!
Site To-Do List
Higher Priority
Cottagecore enthusiasts/lifestyle webring
Restructure Princess Guard to cut back on its endless scrolling
Fix the West of Weird logo text and alphabetize the member list (Completed January 9th, 2025)br> Major book shelf makeover: restructure it, add thoughts to each book and why it's shelved, add links to where you can read it. Update it with free articles I find interesting(?), new sections, etc.,
Reorganize observations page (Completed January 2nd, 2025)
Build an "attic" space for arcane/mystical/esoteric interests
Tarot page additions: Neopets deck review, book recommendations, useful spreads
Grounding guided meditation page
All things fairy shrine: myths, fables, history, all that good stuff
New fanshrines (Hilda Furacã, favorite female characters, OTP archive, etc.,)
Optimize the HTML/CSS on various pages
Learn new coding/QOL techniques
Lower Priority
Art gallery
Animal Crossing island brochure
Essay/article/nonfiction writing shelf
Brooch collection
Figgy shrine
Friends and family shrine
Fill out the other library wings (movies, theatre, games, music)
Neopets page
Reformat neighborhood to add site descriptions
Habits to Develop
- Being intentional with my time and energy
- Committing to myself
- Doing a kind deed each day
- Planning weekly outfits regularly
- Vigorous exercise multiple days a week
- A consistent strength training practice
- A morning yoga routine
- Replying to my penpals more regularly
- Decreasing use of single-use plastic
- Releasing control and letting myself relax
- Living a full life
Habits to Break
- Mindless scrolling and reflexive app checking (eg., Discord)
- Forgetting to check on my herbs
- Being late for work
- Comparing myself to others
- Being hard on myself