Hi! My name is Sarah, my birthday is on July 29th, and I'm from Northern California! 2. What is your height, weight, clothes size and shoe size?
I'm about 5'2ish, and the rest are a secret!~ 3. Why did you start wearing Lolita Fashion?
Already we're starting off with a big question! I don't think there was one singular moment that made me decide that lolita was for me? More like an amalgamation of several reasons. For one, I've always loved fairytale aesthetics, and Victorian and Edwardian fashion. Lolita is a marriage between the two, a fantastical spin on the historical. I was also drawn to the level of details in the sewing details and illustration of the prints––so different from what I was used to seeing! And even at a young age, before I learned about the history of the fashion, I recognized the element of rebelliousness to it. Lolita made (and still does!) such a strong statement about self-expression and personal identity to me, carving out a space in your life that represents a sort of ideal. LOL I already feel so pretentious talking about this and we're only on the third question, oops. 4. What’s your favorite genre(style) of Lolita?
It's hard for me to pick a favorite since they're all beautiful in their own way! Personally, I gravitate towards a more toned down sweet, sweet-classic style (I'll never get behind the word "swassic" I'm so sorry). My favorite era is probably late old school sweet, stuff from the mid-2000s. Think Baby's embroidery pieces and fruits pieces! I have a huge soft spot for country and anything that reminds me of Anne Green Gables. 5. Express in your own words, the ideal of your above answer.
I've kinda touched on this already?? But my ideal is something that blends fairytale maiden, Edwardian bachelorette, and the witch from next door. Something beautiful, sprinkled with lots of little details. Both solids and prints work for this, as long as the clothing makes my heart sing! 6. Do you have any piercings, and if so how many? Just my earlobes. I'm thinking about getting another set done though! 7. What is your favourite brand?
It's a three-way tie between Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World, and Lily of the Valley Designs. I love them all for different reasons!

Tough question! But if you're holding me at gunpoint--no, I already know, it's my Forest Harvest JSK by Innocent World. When I first received it, the quality of the dress blew me away. The fabric choice, the finishing on the seams, the little details... I'll still take it out just to admire it lol.

I'm unsure of the exact number tbh!! 10. What is the best thing about being a Lolita?
Dressing up on your own terms, in ways that bring you joy. Looking like you're from a different time and place. A differen world. Indulging in fancifulness. 11. On the contrary, what is the worst?
How warm all the layers can get sometimes! I tend to run hot, so I find that part a bit annoying. 12. What magazine(s) do you read?
I don't keep up with a lot of the current J-fashion magazines, but I do love looking through old scans! 13. Headdresses vs Bonnets vs Ribbons (Headbows)?
It depends on the coord, but I prefer headbows and headdresses! I do own a bonnet, but I haven't worn it yet, hmm... 14. Do you wear bloomers?
Not usually. I love coords that incoporate peeking bloomers, so I kinda want a cute pair to experiment with, haha. 15. Do you tie your headress in the front or the back?
Usually in the back, I'm not strong enough otherwise. Anyone who ties them in the front is braver than a Marine. 16. Do you have a favorite music genre or band?
My tastes very a lot, so it's hard for me to pin down a particular genre as a favorite. A good artist and album is a good artist and album, y'know?? I adore Kate Bush, and Weyes Blood though. Female musicians that are akin to auteurs I guess?? LOL 17. What is your phone ringtone?
The "Slow Rise" ringtone available on Apple products. 18. Do you go to lives/concerts in Lolita?
I haven't gone to a concert in lolita, but now I want to, it sounds like a blast! 19. For those that go to lives/concerts, do you headbang?
I don't headbang. Instead, I jump and dance around and generally making a fool of myself. 20. What colours do you like?
Yellows, purples, greens, pinks... honestly? All of them, including orange! 21. What are your hobbies?
I have too many hobbies, honestly––sometimes I lose track of the things I like doing because of it! But I love reading and creative writing, messing with my oil pastels and watercolors, playing piano, theatre arts, sewing, cosplay, crochet, cross stitch, plant identification, weight lifting, cooking, baking, hiking, pressing flowers, gardening, reading tarot cards, tracking astrological charts, and recently, coding! But the list goes on––like I said, too many hobbies. 22. What is your favourite perfume?
Bewitched by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. It smells like a summer forest at twilight, when the wild berries are warm and sweet from the sunshine. What I WANT to do though, is start rotating through seasonal perfumes. Just something to make the year's shifts feel special! 23.Being a Lolita, is there anything you are careful of?
Making sure that my petticoat is hanging correctly! Mine seems to shift around constantly. 24. Where do you usually hang out?
Uhhhh anywhere and everywhere? Nowhere? Wherever? I like being outside though, or exploring new, interesting places! 25. How many times do you wear lolita a week?
It wanes and waxes, so I can't give an exact measurement; however, I have goal at least a few times a week! 26. Please tell us an embarrassing story you are guilty of from your early days of wearing lolita
I'll update this when I can of something, I'm sleepy right now. 27. What is your hairstyle and hair color now?
Shoulder length and a bit wavy, but I like doing big curls when I style! My hair is my natural color at the moment, too: brown with golden highlights! How long is your lolita history?
I first became interested in it around 2012ish, and I started wearing it on 2014, so almost ten years! (Yikes!) 29. Do you have a dedicated place for storing lolita?
Nah. My lolita is kept with my other clothes, but that's okay, since I'll use lolita pieces with other styles. 30. Up to now have you ever thought about quitting lolita?
Nope, never. I'll go through periods where I don't dress up or buy much, or engage with the wider community, but I've never had the desire to sell my clothes and quit. 31. What is your motto?
I talk all about this on the about page of my website, actually! But I believe that every person has the responsibility to try to live a good life, and enable others to do the same. Here's a quote that I like: “Every person on this earth is full of great possibilities that can be realized through imagination, effort and perseverance.” ––Scott Barry Kaufman 32. What is your future dream? There are so many! Many of my goals I'm keeping close to my heart so I'm not talking about them publicly at the moment, but here are a few things:
-Thriving in my dream career, with the opportunities to perform research and write
-My own home in a beautiful green place with a thriving garden
-A pet bunny! 33. Is there any celebrity you think “This person definitely suits Lolita!”?
Honestly I'd get a kick out of any celebrity wearing lolita, as long as it was a proper coord. 34. Please tell us about an item that is full of memories
Another tough question! There was the joy of holding my first brand piece, Toy Parade by Angelic Pretty, but... maybe Alice in Fun Fair by Baby the Stars Shine Bright! I wore it allll the time in college! During undergrad, my lolita wardrobe was rather small, so you KNOW I made what I had work the best I could!! 35. What is the very first item you got?
Angelic Pretty's Fluttering Heart Blouse in white, sold to me by a friend. Her price was super generous and it's still an awesome staple in my closet.

I'm still figuring out what I like, haha. Sometimes I hold the hem of my skirt with one hand, or hold my bag in front of me in both hands. 37. What is the "Bible" of your heart? (Like what book, magazine, CD etc represents you?)
The characters I identify with the most are Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII and Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. Not only do I resonate with them, but they also inspire me! My favorite girls forever...(only including a picture of Aerith right now because I'm too lazy to wrangle up and resize a good picture of Anne lol)

Can't recall! Typically I prefer shoes with a lower heel, but I'll go higher if I'm up to it. I'd like to invest in some platforms though! 39. Have you ever worn a tiara?
Not with lolita. 40. Occasionally do you want to try Ouji?
Yes, I would like to try it! A friend of mine sold me a ouji set from Innocent World, but I've yet to coord it. Hopefully someday soon! 41. What kind of lace do you like?
All lace is good lace (as long as it's not cheap or scratchy!), but I'm fond of Baby's soft cotton and torchon laces with the delicate design woven into it. 42. Do you have dolls? If you do please tell us about her!
Is this referring to BJDs? Unfortunately I don't own a BJD, but I'd love to someday! I have a few Calico Critters families that I love out on display, while my American Girl dolls from my childhood are stored away. 43 What’s inside your Lolita bag?
My wallet, keys, phone, chapstick and lipgloss, tissues, ibuprofen, some snacks,, my anti-carsickness wristbands lmao... honestly a lot of this depends on whether or not I remember to pack everything. What I'm describing is like my Ideal Purse Scenario lol 44. What’s your favorite flower?
Sunflowers! Plus lily of the valleys and peonies. 45. What is your favorite accessory right now?
A vintage heart-shaped locket from the 50s. It's embossed with the sweetest flowers! 46. What is your favorite or recommended cosmetics?
I looooveeee cream blush, and cream-based products in general. The application is much dewier than powder, and I like how they don't dry out on your face. 47. Big and beautiful eyes are the proof of a doll! So, do you wear false eyelashes? Also if you have any tips for application please tell us.
I don't wear falsies with lolita, but I do with cosplay. Less glue is more, and let them dry for a little bit before putting them on. 48. What is your particular eye makeup?
Thick long eyelashes, always. For years I thought mascara primer was a scam, but holy smokes I'm NEVER going back if I can help it! 49. Is your lipstick red? Blue? Black? Pink?
I prefer lipgloss, but usually I'll go for a warm pink or mauve with gold undertones. 50. What color do you use often for your manicures?
Aww man, I'm bad about keeping up a painted manicure, but I love the idea of shifting my colors around for the seasons. Usually I'll go for a lilac though! 51. Have you ever stealthily changed into your clothes in a train (or public) toilet?
Never have, never will if I can help it. 52. Have you ever done a twinning coord? A triplet coord? What are your thoughts?
Twinning coords are so cute! I haven't done it before, but I'd love to at some point! 53. What are you doing to keep in shape? Any recommendations?
Strength training, pilates, yoga, walking around, and hiking... I always feel my best when I stay active, and that's what I try to focus on. 54. Wearing lolita alone. Are you okay with it?
More than okay, wearing lolita alone isn't an issue to me. I'll wear it to work or if I'm out and about or whatever. 55. How much do you spend a month on clothes and accessories?
This really depends. Sometimes I won't spend any money at all, while others I'll splurge. 56. Was there a considerable time difference between when you found out about Lolita and when you started wearing it?
A few years I guess? Well, I knew about lolita when I was a preteen because of anime and stuff, but I didn't realize that it was an Actual Thing you could wear until I was 16. Then, when I was 18, I obtained my first pieces. 57. What is the most expensive thing you’ve bought up to now?
My Mycologist's Notebook JSK, and more recently, my Herb Garden JSK preorder, both from Lily of the Valley Designs. I purchased them new, directly from the brand. 58. Lolita is really expensive. How to get money for it?
I have a job, and try to practice smart budgeting. 59. Just between the two of us, generally how much have you spent on Lolita altogether up until now?

Baby the Stars Shine Bright, but I'm lucky enough to live close to one of their stores! But if not that, then a used clothing store or Closet Child during their glory days would be amazing lol 61. Just between the two of us, are there are any shops you think are a total ripoff?
SO this is a super subjective question, but Moitie is NOT what it was before the Wunderwelt revival. The quality control on some of AP's rereleases has been shocking as well. 62. Do you use online shops? If you have what are the good and bad points about it? If you haven’t, please tell us why.
Because of the thriving secondhand community, most lolitas shop online I'd imagine! It's awesome being able to buy things from others all around the world, but it would be nice to try something on and see how it fits first. 63. Just between us, even if you want to keep it your own secret, what’s an indie brand that makes you go “this is exactly my style”
LILY OF THE VALLEY DESIGNS!! Everything Tyler makes is totally my style, she's so incredible!!

Even though my style has generally shifted away from them, there's many a sugary Angelic Pretty print I have a soft spot for––mainly Milky Chan and Milky Planet. There are other AP prints I'd like to own someday though, and if I ever saw the yellow Milky Planet skirt come up for sale at a good price, I might not be able to resist! ; __ ;
Also, I plan on scoping out a pair of authentic of Rocking Horse Shoes by Vivenne Westwood at some point. That might be more realistic at this point in my life lmao

I really try hard to focus on buying pieces that I know I will truly love, so I have never sold any of my clothes before! But I have donated a few things before that weren't the trouble of selling through Lacemarket. 66. What is the last thing you bought (even outside of Lolita)?
A book for a friend's birthday. 67. Is there something you’ll probably never have it again, but you can’t forget about?
Not that I can think of? 68. What do you think of people that wear lolita only to lives/concerts?
I'm happy that they have the chance to get dressed up and enjoy themselves, but there's something special about expressing this side of yourself in other places of life! 69. What do you think of people that don’t wear makeup with lolita fashion?
Honestly it doesn't matter, it's up to what each person wants to do. 70. There’s a Lolita wearing the same coord as you! What do you think?
Smile excitedly and wave them over while thinking, yay, let's be friends! 71. From what age until what age do you think is forgivable to wear Lolita?
If Momoko is going to die in a Baby dress, than that's good enough for everybody else. 72. In what situation do you think you would have to stop wearing Lolita?
It's not something I see myself stopping unless it's just totally no longer my style, but even then I hope it would adapt to my changing tastes. 73. Do you have any “Stop doing this!” warnings?
While substyles are useful and have a purpose, don't feel obligated to box yourself into one forever. Taste is organic, as is personal style. Things evolve over time, and everyone is different, anyway. It's best to focus on your preferences, however those may look, rather than trying to conform to every "standard" of a substyle. Fashion, at the end of the day, should be all about what you like! 74. Do you have any thoughts about what a Lolita should be like?
A lolita shouldn't have to "be" anything. Everyone is free to be themselves, especially in terms of personality and interests, but a lolita should embrace their individuality. Isn't that what this fashion is all about? 75. Excluding question 73, is there anything you don’t want a Lolita to do?
Lolitas aren't obligated to be "lovelies" or whatever the meme is, but at least try to be like. Respectful towards others. Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it meanly and all that, etc etc. 76. What do you think of boys wearing Lolita?
Why not! 77. Since wearing Lolita has anything about changed from before?
Getting into lolita has also encouraged me to explore my tastes within other styles. Back in high school, when I first became interested in it, my style and clothes never felt quite like me. Not only did my school have a strict dress code that limited exploration, but it was hard for me to pin down what I actually liked. Learning what I like in lolita has allowed me to apply those principles in other parts of my wardrobe. 78. What do the people around you say about you wearing Lolita?
People are nothing but kind to me! Lots of compliments all around, and curious questions too. My family and friends enjoy it too, and my mom will often give me outfit suggestions, too! On the other hand, my dad doesn't always get it (haha), but he thinks the vintage inspired elements are cool! I'm very fortunate to have received the feedback that I have ; __ ; 79. In the midsummer heat, what kind of Lolita do you wear?
Whatever's the most comfortable! I struggle with the heat so I'll wimp out of wearing it, but I want to experiment with blouseless coords. Natural fibers help when it's hot as well. 80. Do you wear Lolita to school/your workplace?
I do when I'm in the mood! I work at a college and the dress code is very lax. 81. What are your regular style of clothes?
You'll have to check out the other pages in my wardrobe for this answer! ;D 82. Are you opposed to second hand clothing?
There's a ton to love about secondhand clothing. Not only is it an opportunity to save money, but it's also environmentally friendly. One of my favorite parts about the lolita community is how people tend to take good care of their clothes, so they'll continue to have life for decades to come. It's like there's a home for each dress lol! 83. Do you have a partner? And do they understand Lolita?
Currently single at the time of writing this, but the previous guys I saw understood it well enough? I guess?? 84. Please tell us the image of your ideal guy
Cloud "Final Fantasy VII" Strife
Okay no actually not (am I kidding though??), but you'll just have to ask me this yourself! Another question that's getting tossed into the secret pile! 85. Is there a Lolita that has left a big impression on you?
There are so many different lolitas that I admire, but my biggest style inspirations are Tyler, the owner of Lily of the Valley Designs, and Shelby Cloud/shelbyscircus/ginger_bread_girl. Their creativity with styling blows my mind, and the way they embrace making the fashion into something that's truly their own. 86. Have you ever made your own clothes? If so what kind?
While make my own cosplays, but I've never made a lolita garment before. I joke that I get all my sewing energy out through creating costumes! 87. Have you ever made your own accessories? If so what?
See the above answer, haha. 88. Is there an item you’ve made that you think “It’s a great success!”?
Again not related to lolita, but I feel that way with most cosplays after finishing them, especially it involved challenging myself. 89. If you have an ideal coord, please talk about it.
Lots of color, and experimentation with color. Playing around with materials, layering, and textile choices, things that are interesting to the eye. Lots of little details. And you gotta stick a brooch in there somewhere! 90. Is there someone you admire? What kind of person are they?
Like in lolita or just in general? Either way, there are many people I admire! But I usually tend to appreciate those who are genuine, both to their values and as a way of being. 91. For one day you can go on a date with that special person. They will also be wearing their favorite clothes. So who is it, what are you wearing and where is the date?
Mmm, you'll just have to find out for yourself firsthand, huh? ;D 92. If you could open a shop in the future, what kind would it be?
What a fun question! But I'd like to open up a cozy bookstore, maybe in a small cottage. The walls would be crammed full of old books from floor to ceiling, and there would be places where you could sit and read with a drink. 93. Unconsciously, this catches your eye! Which motif is it?
Anything pertaining to the natural world: animals, florals, fruits, stars and moons and soft skies, MUSHROOMS... you know the drill. I love a good fairytale print, and bury me in Baby's old applique prints tbh. 94. Would you also want your child(ren) to wear Lolita?
Style is such a personal choice, so it comes down to that. 95. How much do you spend on each piece of clothing?
It depends. I'm a patient buyer and will try to wait when something's at a good price, especially if it's used. Generally speaking, I don't mind paying more if the garment is high quality and will last me for years. I try to treat clothing as investments for my wardrobe instead of something to fill up my closet willy-nilly. 96. This is a Lolita! If you think there’s a gesture like that please tell us.
UHHHH HUH? Hmm! Maybe like. The pigeon toed pose you saw everywhere in 2010s sweet lolita tumblr coords, something like that. 97. Even if it’s only one time I wanna wear it! Is there something you want to wear other than Lolita?
There are a lot of other fashion styles that I enjoy other than lolita! Maybe it's because I'm tired now, but I can't think of anything off hand. 98. Looking at your Lolita, if you could use one word to represent it, what would it be?
Whimsical. Fairylike. Oops, now I'm cheating! 99. What is your image of an ideal Lolita?
Unapologetically themselves. 100. 大変お疲れ様でした! Please share your thoughts on taking this questionnaire.
It was fun, and also a good opportunity for self-reflection too! And who am I talk pass up the chance to talk about myself lmao. But now I'm ready to nap!