About Josh

Because it's hard to think of Josh as gone. And in many ways, he isn't gone. He's still here. His optimism is in the morning sunshine, bright after a long night. His playfulness is in the rainfall's tap, tap, tap, bouncy and excitable, the break in a drought of smiles. His determination and forward thinking dreams in the very stars, a north guiding him in his wants and wishes. And when I remember him, when I think of the space he occupies in my heart, soul and memories, he lives once again.
The world was, is, and will be better because of Josh. You could never meet someone with as much enthusiasm for music as Josh. He had a thirst to discover new artists, from all genres. He never discriminated. Chopin, however, was his favorite composer (fantastic taste!). One of his songs plays on this webpage. You probably recognize this one: Op. 9 No. 2. With a playlist in hand for every occasion, he had just the right song for the right mood. Josh was a great lover of the piano and violin as well; having such a way of words, he wrote so beautifully about the pieces he loved. Wrote with so much tenderness. The notes seemed to float up from the page, into your inner ear. It was a gift. He would have made a wonderful music therapist. Josh loved rainy weather, gummy bears, and taking long drives to see what there was to see. He adored Fire Emblem, having played almost every game in the series. He was the one who originally introduced it to me, and I still play them today: another way his memory persists. Often, we would share book recommendations with each other. Josh was something of a gym rat, too, and you wouldn't believe his workout playlists. I admired his tenacity and consistency that he applied there, and in other areas of his life--including his relationships. A lover of the natural world, he enjoyed taking hikes, being among the greenery. On clear nights, he would drive out to favorite stargazing spots, seeking out constellations new and made up. Seeking out his hopes for the future. And Josh loved cats. Like, really loved them. While he enjoyed visiting my cats and others, it breaks my heart knowing he never had one as a pet. And so, at least on this webpage, he can have as many as he wants. That's why this webpage is covered in them. It's the least I can do for him.