Originally airing on the Disney Channel and Disney XD, Gravity Falls ran for two seasons, premiering in 2012 and concluding in 2016. It has influenced animation following its creation, igniting a trend of story-driven series in western animation rather than isolated single-episode stories. Years after the series finale, Gravity Falls continues to have a thriving fanbase, and, as of 2024, is experiencing a resurgence of popularity thanks to the release of supplementary books, comics, graphic novels, and other material. Comparable to more adult mysteries like Twin Peaks or the X-Files, Gravity Falls is a strange and sweet watch that's stuffed with soul. Within the series are tons of codes, cryptograms, hidden messages, and other puzzles. The viewer is challenged to solve these, with the answers contributing to the mysteries of Gravity Fall's universe. The show isn't afraid to explore its horror elements and is a blast from start to finish. If you haven't seen it and what written here sounds up your alley, then it definitely deserves a watch!