My Lolita




  • Name: Emblem
  • Cut: High Waist JSk
  • Brand: Innocent World
  • Colorway: Brown
  • Year Released: 2007
  • Year Obtained: 2023
  • Favorite Part: Dresses with pleating my beloved. Plus the print's vividness!
  • Lolibrary Link


Wanted this for a while, but it was typical story every lolita faces at some point: you're either not at the right place or right time, or it's not your preferred cut or colorway. So when one day I saw someone selling this on Lace Market for a reasonable price, I knew I couldn't pass it up!

It's hard for me to pin down why exactly I like this dress so much, other than I just... do! For a long time I wanted the maroon colorway of this, but I am pleased to have it in brown instead! The bright colors against the brown evoke so much warmth for me. Paired with the velvet trims, it's cozy! It's just cozy! It'll be perfect for autumn.