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My Lolita

Lara's Doll



  • Name: Lara's Doll
  • Cut: OP
  • Brand: Little Bear
  • Colorway: Black x White
  • Year: 2021
  • Favorite Part: The sewing details and pink accents!
  • Lolibrary Link


Lara's Doll lives up to its name: it really is the perfect Victorian doll dress. I had wanted it for a while, but a part of me felt guilty about opening a Taobao order for that dress alone. However, one day while browsing Lacemarket, I someone had listed it! In my preferred colorway and size! All at a really reasonable price! It was cheaper purchasing it from the Lacemarket seller (even with paying for international shipping!), so I'm happy that I ended up holding out!

Speaking of price, the quality is far beyond than what Little Bear charges for this dress new. The cotton has a nice, heavy weight, with a ton of little details: pintucks, ribbon lace, a BUSTLE... gorgeous stuff! If you're interested in it, then I recommend picking it up while it's still available!