My Lolita

Twinkle Dreaming Princess



  • Name: Twinkle Dreaming Princess
  • Cut: JSK I
  • Brand: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
  • Colorway: Navy
  • Year: 2011
  • Favorite Part: The ~dreamy~ illustrations!!
  • Lolibrary Link


Here she is: my OG, my ride-or-die, my very first dream dress. While browsing HelloLace as a teenager, I stumbled upon her in Baby's catalog, and it was love at first sight. Later, when I started actually buying lolita, Twinkle Dreaming Princess was always on my mind while window shopping, but the timing was never right. Not quick enough, not enough money, not the right cut or colorway... bad luck! But last November, I randomly googled her, and there she was: just sitting on a random Ebay listing at a reasonable. Flown right out of ether. It took her almost 11 years to come home to me, but the wait's been worth it.

Whimsical without being too cutesy, Twinkle Dreaming Princess has guided my tastes in lolita fashion despite obtaining it only rather recently. I ADORE Baby's choice of incorporating lilac shading in the navy colorway. Navy and lavender is one of my favorite color combinations, and it's used so magically in this print. Which speaking of, is SO fun to look at! It feels like I notice new details every time I look at it. The princess seaming on the bodice is super flattering, and the layers of lace are so luxurious. A favorite in my closet for sure, I am so lucky to own it after so long!!

There's nothing like having your dream dress either. Writing this entry is enough to make me wanna try it on right this second!!