November 20th, 2024

Hi friends! It's time to resurrect this diary before it's dead in the ground completely for the winter layout, whoops. Anyway, I don't really have a ton to say at the moment, but it felt like if I didn't something then I never would again. Not the best attitude to have, but here we are regardless.
My plan is to do another update and food logs about the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities. It's understandable why people find Thanksgiving to stressful, but I'm personally really excited for it this year! My brother, SIL, and nephew are visiting, and it'll be a fun way to herald in the Christmas season. With how dreary and gray the current and upcoming weather forecast is, I'm ready for Maximum Cozy Mode. Warm blankets, flickering candles, hot cider and pastry, soft golden lights... Please inject any and all hygge directly into my veins. Let me survive on an IV drip of the stuff throughout the winter season, only pulling away until spring comes again.
What else... after a few months lost due to being stuck in the void, I'm making tangible progress on my goals! It's so satisfying to highlight each thing I accomplish on my November to-do list. There will be more on that later––currently I'm fighting an allergy attack and that's enough writing for now. Apologies for the sudden ending, but well. It happens! Seriously though, I'm excited to share with you about how my Marcille cosplay is coming along, progress with gr*d school apps, all that good stuff.
Talk to you again soon!––or at least sooner than two months from now. Please take care!
September 29th, 2024

Hi everyone! It's been over three weeks since my last entry. It's pretty insane to think that we're at the end of September, I can hardly believe it. Time needs to slow down!! True to my last diary, I am back to feeling like myself, but the past month has had its ups and down. Even then, what matters most is the forward momentum.
Last Friday, I hosted a little paint and sip party for a couple friends. For dinner we had pizza paired with a cocktail I threw together, and afterwards we started painting! I attempted a still life of a pumpkin while my friends opted for watercolors. Truthfully I got a little bored my piece in the middle of painting, so I ended up just messed around and doodled. lol. It was super fun though!! Talk about a great excuse to get together and dish and exercise our creative muscles. Everyone else also had a good time and we're planning on it doing again!
Other than that... it's only been a Literal, Actual day since I started watching it, but my life has been utterly taken over by this Brazilian drama called Hilda Furacao that originally aired in the 90s. A close friend of mine sent me freaking Tiktok edits (they'll always be fanvids/AMVs to me BUT) of the main couple and that was enough for me to lose my mind lmao!! Extremely lame but my heart started racing as I watched them, like I knew in my BONES they were seemingly made for me. Forbidden love between a cute crying friar and a confident woman out to challenge and seduce and possibly ruin his life set in 1950s/1960s Brazil during big social upheaval, like come ONNNNN does it get any better than that!! Look at this video on tumblr I keep watching!! I agree with OP, this Catholic Guilt Show WILL save me!! I'm gripping you all by the shoulders!!!

I didn't sleep well last night since I was up until 2:30 AM watching this, but whatever! Totally worth it. As of writing this I'm on episode 5 and am buzzing to continue it. I'm saving it for later though, as a treat. I owe my entire life to the girl who translated it... fansubbers have always carried the world on their shoulders, let's be real. Same with AMV creators.
Andddd that's it for now, I'll be back later when I have more deranged rambles up my sleeve. See you again soon!!
September 7th, 2024

Despite the recent heat, there was a bite of autumn in the evening air last night. The temperature is dropping. This morning I baked a pie, letting it chill overnight before making the merengue tomorrow. Lots of laughter and love has been shared from my friends. I feel safe and secure.
I'm finally feeling like myself again.
Sure there's the other part of me that's concerned about my energy levels, the part of me that's burnt out and stressed about what needs to be done. But at least I don't feel lost in my own skin. A new identity can take shape without me feeling totally at its odd with it. I realize how cryptic this all sounds but it's what's inside me. It's stabilizing. And reaching this point is both a relief and a blessing.
On a lighter note, I continue to be obsessed over Gravity Falls. Last weekend I sent in an application to the TFL Network proposing the creation of a Gravity Falls fanlisting--cross your fingers they accept it! The design has taken shape and a number of codes/icons are done. Working on these things makes me want to continue sharpening my graphic design skills (watch out for web materials someday!) To those who helped me, thank you so much again, it made a huge difference!
More than anything else this entry is an excuse for me to push out my autumn layout––which was kinda a struggle at first! Figuring out a color scheme took way too long, but I'm happy with the final results. Anyway, that's it for now. Let's make the final quarter of this year count!!