March 4th, 2025

Time: Midday
Weather: Thick cloud cover
Moon: Waxing crescent in Taurus
Music: Japanese Breakfast ❀ Slide Tackle
Mood: Chipper
Gratitude: Cute stationary, the support of my loved ones, authentic artistry in music, rainfall

Hi hi, welcome to March, and yes I'm alive! Well, now I am. I'm free from the shackles of The Sims, the worst of my fixation is over. Now we're onto other things!

This will just be a tiny entry today––it's just an excuse to get my spring diary locked and loaded. Lately I've been gravitating towards blushy mauve shades, so it's the layout's main color! Funny how 80s design and aesthetics were trendy again, but mauve never made a comeback. Maybe I'm just out of touch and never noticed if it did, though.

Today's pretty gray and gloomy, but flowers are blooming and so is my heart lmao. Spiritually speaking, spring is here. Buuuuuut! I'm going on a trip with some friends at the end of the month! Ahhhh fun stuff! More will be shared when the time comes. :D

Aaaaand just like that, this entry's OUT, take care everyone, lots of hugs!!
