Tarot card reading is a practice stemming back to the 15th century that centers around the divination of the past, present, and future. Utilizing intuition and symbolism, Tarot explores the conscious and unconscious mind through archetypal imagery illustrated in the cards. While some use it as a tool to tell fortunes, it can also be used to navigate the truths within a person.

I've been reading Tarot since 2016. Several years have past since I began, but it feels like there's still a ton for me to learn! My hope for this nook is to reignite my spark for it. Originally I was just going to include reviews of my decks, but eventually I want to include a section for monthly spreads, tips and tricks for reading, books and source I like... lots more stuff, so stay tuned!


Below is my collection of my tarot card decks accompanied with a small reviews and relevant links. Please feel free to reach out if you'd like any further detail on anything!

This section was inspired by starsprings' tarot gallery!

The Homestuck Tarot by Andrew Hussie and Various Artists

Sarah's super secret Homestuck past revealed?!?!? Purchased when I was knees-deep intersted in the comic, this is actually my first tarot deck. It's become very well-loved since owning it. Though I'm no longer interested in the comic and these cards have fallen out of my regular rotation, it's still a lovely deck. The cards have a nice weight and contain beautiful artwork. Because a different artist designed each card you have a wide range of styles, but somehow it all harmonizes together. The scenes selected seem carefully chosen, aligning well with the meaning of the card.

This deck taught me to read Tarot, and honestly? It was a solid teacher. Because it depicts the arcanas in relation to certain characters and scenes from the comic, I was able to use those as a baseline of understanding how these abstract archetypes can connect through a more grounded means.

I bought the deck from Whatpumpkin when they were selling it directly. However it's now out of print and might be hard to find.

The Rider Waite Tarot by AE Waite and Pamela Colman Smith

Arguably THE tarot deck. The mama of many modern tarot decks, you could say. So much so that a "Rider-Waite styled deck" is a common enough descriptor for someone to instantly know what the archetypes and symbolism of a specific deck will contain.

There isn't much for me to say about this deck that hasn't already been said. Whether you're a beginning or advanced reader it's hard to go wrong with it; there's a reason why it's so wildly used.

Bonus point: you can buy it just about anywhere!

The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

Dreamy, delicate, and utterly mystical, the Shadowscapes Tarot is the perfect choice if you're interested in reading with a "softer" deck. From my experience, it tends to give gentle readings––which we all need sometimes. The detail embued in the artwork is mindblowing, I can't imagine the time it took. The deck comes with an extensive guidebook that discusses the symbolism within its artwork.

A big perk about this deck is that the cardbacks look the same upright or reversed. Sometimes I've hesitated pulling a card simply because it's reversed, but this isn't an issue with Shadowscapes.

The Golden Thread Tarot

A gift from my beloved friend Josh that will never leave my collection. The minimalist artwork is useful for daily reading. Because of it, it's easy to clear your head and to get to the heart of a spread. From an enviromental standpoint I like and appreciate the deck is made from recycled plastic, but I have never been crazy about how lightweight the cards are, nor how easily they smudge. However, These critiques aren't so big that I overlook the value the deck has.

Not only does Labyrinthos sell a physical deck, but they also have a free-to-download app of Golden Threads as well!

The Victorian Fairy Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone

One of my most-read decks that's more often than not on hand. I ADORE the way the seasons are rendered within it, they feel so fully realized. The cards depict magical dreamscapes that you can get lost in because of their beauty and whimsy-completely apt since it depicts the lives of fairies!

While the deck follows the Rider-Waite format, the the names and meanings of the cards are modified a bit. Even though I understand some artistic liberty is taken to maintain a thematic cohesiveness, I'm not crazy about how some of the cards in the Swords suit were modified in particular. These feel far-removed enough from the original definitions to make readings hazy.

Speaking of, I find that this deck doesn't like giving straight answers, prefering to play tricks. But can you expect anything else from fairies? It's part of the fun imo!

This deck is currently out of print, but it looks like there's a Kickstarter campaign for a reprinting! Yay!

The Mucha Tarot by Giulia F. Massaglia and Barbara Nosenzo

Alas, while this deck has all the makings for me to love it, I've never been able to connect with it. It's not that there's a problem with the deck, no, it's just a me thing. Total tragedy considering that Mucha is one of my favorite artists and the illustrators for the deck poured a ton of care into this tribute to his work! And yet, it's so hard for me to read with this. I'm not entirely sure why! ; __ ;

A detail I like about this deck is how the names of the suits aren't printed on the cards. Because of this, all focus is on the art and the scenes without any text informing your interpretation.

The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans

Not to play favorites, buuuuut... I'm gonna play favorites. If I had to pick a favorite deck out of the ones I own, it would probably be this. Fantastic for daily readings and more involved spreads, the Wild Unknown always has tons of insight to share. The illustrations, color palettes, lettering... it's all perfect. The cards have a nice weight and nice size too, and are quite sturdy. The deck's guidebook is very detailed as well, one that I refer back to.

The Wild Unknown speaks to me in more ways than one. Not only does the deck's artistic style and merit resonates with me, but it also gives clear readings. Interpreting spreads come so naturally, and is a joy from beginning to end.

After Tarot by Pietro Alligo and Giulia F. Massaglia

What happens in the seconds after a scene in the Rider-Waite deck? After Tarot answers that question by showing what comes next in its illustrations. The artwork is very authentic to Colman Smith's style which furthers the idea of this being a "sequel" to her deck.

The thing I appreciate the most about this deck is how it reminds me that tarot and tarot spreads are dynamic. The scenes in a card aren't just snapshots in time, but a part of a larger story. Just as we move and change, so do the cards messaging.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Tarot by Various Artists

Stunning artwork throughout this deck! Despite how many artists collaborated on it, each card feels cohesive to the deck's thematic elements. The cards themselves are glossy and firm, printed on large size. It's clear how much of a labor of love this!

I do have difficulties with this deck that are entirely subjective, ones that can spring up with fandom decks. Everyone will interpret a text and its characters differently. When these interpretations are applied to tarot which utilize these grand abstract themes, you will have disagreements with or what is depicited for each card. While I enjoy admiring the artistry of it, it isn't useable for me personally. This isn't the fault of the artists or anyone––like with the Mucha deck, it's totally just me. That said, organizing this collaboration must have been a massive undertaking and I appreciate it for that reason!

The Amano Tarot by Yoshitaka Amano

The crown jewel of my collection. Yoshitaka Amano is one of my favorite artist so when I learned he had made a deck, I knew I had to have it. And wow wow WOW was it worth every penny!

Each illustration is breathtaking from start to finish. The color schemes and details are drop dead gorgeous and have so much power, invoking a feeling within me that's hard to put into words. What's interesting is the extravagant major arcana and court cards are paired with a minminal minor arcana. They depict just the suit itself, using a red, white, and black color scheme. I do enjoy the contrast when reading––you're able to get to the heart of the card. (Yugioh would be proud of me).

The deck comes with a guidebook but it's written in only Japanese. It can be rather rare but it's a must-have if you're a fan of Amano.