care for a cup of tea?

Oh, this is a surprise, I wasn't expecting any visitors tonight! That's quite alright though, I could use the company. You've walked far to get here, so please sit down and relax.
My name is Sarah, and I'm so happy that you decided to drop by my old-school internet cottage! With how sterile homes of the modern internet have grown, it's a blessing to be able to retreat to the personal pages of Neocities. The love everyone puts into their craft is something so special to be surrounded by.
The function of this "cottage" serves as a digital scrapbook to the things I treasure the most in life. A museum of Sarah, if you will. So please feel welcomed to peruse the different rooms of my bungalow, taking all the time you want to explore! Some of the rooms are empty for now, but they will be filled soon enough~
- 3/24/25: A couple new reviews, outfits, and adoptables and a new link at the mad tea party!
- 3/20/25: Updated my at last, plus there's a new book and album review!
- 3/17/25: New reviews in my my media log and added March's monthly playlist ❀
- 3/4/25: Casting a spell for warm weather with my new spring diary layout!
- 2/26/25: Added new blinkies!
- 2/9/25: What's that sound coming from the library?~
- 2/5/25: New diary entry and observations!
- 01/28/25: Updated and cleaned up Josh's memorial
- 01/22/25: 2025's media log is finally up and running, plus updates in my food log and observations page!
- 01/19/25: Pulled myself away from the Sims 2 long enough to update West of Weird and my fashion log
- 01/2/25: Tweaked my observations page and shared two recently completed cross stich projects!
- 12/31/24: Happy New Year's Eve! To celebrate the start of a new year, I created a pinboard dedicated to my ambitions and dreams for 2025!
- 12/27/24: Updated my photo album and food log to include what I've been up to and eating this past month, along with doing a quick roundup of my favorites in this year's media log entries!!
- 12/23/24: New diary entry!
- 12/11/24: Posted a new diary entry, added to photo album, and created a new lolita coordinate flatlay!
- 12/3/24: A round of little updates to my photo album, food log, and media log! Come see what I've been up to!! (❁´◡`❁)
- 12/2/24: Seasonal layout for my winter 2025 diary is up!
- 11/20/24: Posted two quick reviews and a short diary entry
- 11/13/24: Come flip through my stamp album, blinkie wall, etc.,! ♡♡
- 10/27/24: Three new additions to my wardrobe: there are now pages for strawberry mini JSK, my gobelin skirt, and a dedicated spot for my lolita coordinate flatlays!
- 10/17/24: The clouds have parted, and at last the holy sanctum for my shrines is open
- 10/13/24: At long last a new room in my studio has opened––a spot for all things needlework!
- 9/30/24: New diary entry!
- 9/27/24: New members to West of Weird along with a bunch of observations and updates to my media log.
- 9/20/24: Made adjustments and tweaks to my travel log, sewing nook, cosplay nook, and so on
- 9/19/24: Added more members to West of Weird, a few outfits to my fashion log, and cleaned up Josh's memorial.
- 9/10/24: West of Weird, my Gravity Falls fanlisting, is open for members!!! :D
- 9/7/24: Autumn diary layout is up!
- 9/5/24: Updates in my food log, photo album, and observations
- 8/22/24: My bedroom joins the makeover team ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
- 8/21/24: For the first time since the creation of my website, I updated my splash! Check it out if you haven't seen it in a while!! ♡
- 8/12/24:Built a toybox for adopted pixels in my curio cabinet
- 8/05/24: Created a simple space in my studio dedicated to sharing 10 direct observations per week ❀
- 8/04/24: Quick update about what I've been up to
- 7/24/24: Lots of (little) things from when I last updated this log. Two new diary entries, adjusted my page, added some new quiz results, entries in my media log, and characters to my wall of favorite characters! Phew!
- 7/11/24: gave my ship page a makeover and started writing my commentary on each pairing
- 7/09/24: Update roundup: new old web additions to Princess Guard, new diary entry, and new pictures in my photo album
- 7/03/24: New diary entry and long overdue update to my resources/credits page!
- 6/24/24: Goodbye 123guestbook, hello attabook
- 6/20/24: New (old) fanart added to Princess Guard
- 6/19/24: My kitchen's food log is fresh out of the oven!
- 6/17/24: There's something sweet coming from that new room over there!~
- 6/13/24: Summer diary is up!
- 6/2/24: Finally shared the answers to the Q&A I did!
- 5/26/24: New diary entry and updates to my photo album!
- 5/17/24: Andddd the opening of my cosplay corner follows suit!
- 5/16/24: My studio's sewing nook is now open for snooping!~
- 5/11/24: New blog entry!
- 5/7/24: Created a bucket list ♡
- 4/23/24: An outfit log has appeared in the wardrobe!
- 4/18/24: Added new gallery pictures, old web trinkets, and a long-winded Clerith essay to Princess Guard
- 4/16/24: The travel log from my trip to New York City is up!
- 4/13/24: A new travel log has been found in the bedroom, with postcards from all over pressed between its pages~
- 4/1/24: Gave the curio cabinet a much needed makeover!
- 3/23/24: Creaated a page for my favorite fictional characters ♡
- 3-19/24: Still reorganizing with little additions here and there, but I have plans for new webpages!
- 3-10-24: Any site changes are mostly backend, organization related stuff. But oh, are those new rooms in the cottage...?
- 3-6-24:Spring diary spread is up!
- 2-21-24: I've launched my first weblisting: a weblisting for Neopets players!
- 2-15-24: I joined the writing group Muse Ariadne hosted here on Neocities. Check out my page for it here!
- 2-4-24: Diary for February is up! I also joined a ton of fanlistings that you can find with my guilds. ♡
- 1-29-24: A new wing of the library has been rediscovered: The Museum of Sarah is open for all!
- 1-23-24: My shrine to Aerith Gainsborough, Princess Guard is up and running. It's a big WIP but please check out what I have! ;w;
- 1-9-24: Come take a peek at the tarot card collection in my studio!!
- 1-7-24: My review for this month's Bookbug book is up!
- 12-28-23: The cottage studio is finally ready for visitors!
- I'm forgetting what day it was when I created this page, but I joined Bookbug, a bookclub hosted here on Neocities! To learn more, visit here!
- 12-3-23: It's been a bit since I've added stuff to my update log! But in the last few weeks I created a landing page for all the various "loves" in my life, cataloged a few more pages of my lolita main pieces, and uploaded my first December blog post!
- 11-17-23: Join me at my cottage's mad tea party, a shrine that celebrates afternoon tea and tea parties!
- 11-5-23: Two new pages are up––my yearly media log and a collection of lolita-related links!
- 10-22-23: Been updating things here and there, but the biggest addition yet is the addition of my library's book shelves!
- 10-10-23: New blog entry. Please feel free to reach out about recovering from social burnout lol
- 10-9-23: Created a photo diary!
- 10-5-23: October diary is up!
- A new section has been returned to the cottage library: come learn more about my ships!
- 9-24-23: Joined the Cult of Usukumuya and Self-Insert Webrings! Announcing my date with Cloud Strife is the most exciting update to my website yet tbh.
- 9-18-23: Cleaned up my homepage tonight, while the lolita section has been hopping the last few weeks.Feel free to check out what I've added so far! ;u;
- 9-5-23: My wardrobe's homepage is up!
- 9-1-23:A few days ago I uploaded the webpage for my PMDD stuff, AND just today, I uploaded my first blog entry for September 2023! You can find both in my bedroom.
- 8-26-23:currently in a Complicated Relationship with my bedroom page
- 8-24-23:redid the page for my links, and created a separate one for my neighbors!
- 8-21-23: made for's latest codejam, I created a gpoy page!
- 8-17-23: version 1.0 of my memorial for Josh is up. I hope to start adding pictures and comments from loved ones soon. ♡
- 8-12-23: homepage got a refresh!
- 8-9-23: library is up, but the shelves are pretty empty! I should at least make a page for my faves though...
- 8-5-23: "about me" 1.0 is up and WOW that took longe than expected! what do I do with myself now!!
- 7-20-23: homepage raring and ready to go, wahoo! Also, I keep forgetting the float propety exists (this element isn't using it).
12/2/24: | gravity falls fanlisting | makeovers for older pages | clean up Josh's memorial | new splash page | bedroom makeover | art gallery | needlework display | add favorite spreads/books to tarot section | tweak Bookbug page | shrine homepage | create more pixel art!! | style scrollbars | add more shelves to the library | neopets page | animal crossing island brochure | essay/article shelf | studio ghibli essay | continue filling out lolita wardrobe | begin documenting other parts of closet | increase cursor variety | create cottagecore webring! | toybox page | family/friends dedication | christmas shrine | hilda/malthus shrine | grounding meditation guide | OTP archive | figgy shrine | redecorate observations page a lil |
Visit my
guilds page for more!

Aerith protects Inkcaps!
Cloud ❤ Aerith
aromatic // green tea & wildflowers 
guardian 🌿 Morgan le Fay
nobility // sorceress of summer nights ![]()
fae 🍃 dryad