care for a cup of tea?

Oh, this is a surprise, I wasn't expecting any visitors tonight! That's quite alright though, I could use the company. You've walked far to get here, so please sit down and relax.

My name is Sarah, and I'm so happy that you decided to drop by my old-school internet cottage! With how sterile homes of the modern internet have grown, it's a blessing to be able to retreat to the personal pages of Neocities. The love everyone puts into their craft is something so special to be surrounded by.

The function of this "cottage" serves as a digital scrapbook to the things I treasure the most in life. A museum of Sarah, if you will. So please feel welcomed to peruse the different rooms of my bungalow, taking all the time you want to explore! Some of the rooms are empty for now, but they will be filled soon enough~




3-10-24: create kitchen page | curio cabinet | needlework display | add favorite spreads/books to tarot section | tweak Bookbug page | shrine homepage | favorite characters page | write studio ghibli essay | join more webrings/weblistings/etc | create more pixel art!! | style scrollbars | add more shelves to the library | neopets page | animal crossing island brochure | essay/article shelf |


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Aerith protects Inkcaps!

Cloud Aerith

aromatic // green tea & wildflowers

guardian 🌿 Morgan le Fay

nobility // sorceress of summer nights

Memories of Gondoa ❀ Joe Hiashi