Site Map

A cottage so big, you ask, that you need a map to navigate it? I know I know, doesn't sound like much of a cottage, but it is, I promise. It just... has a mind of its own! Growing and shrinking according to its wishes and whimsy. What else can you do but just roll with it?

(Last updated on March 24th, 2025)


Landing The woods outside my house.

Homepage Main room of the cottage! Everything branches off from here.

Map You are here!

Neocities Profile Check out any updates here.

Guestbook I'll love you if you leave me a message!


About Me Take a peek all about me!

GPOY Pictures of ME (completely real and serious)

Quizzes The results of silly internet quizzes that I adore oh-so much.

Questions My answers to the Q&A I did to commemorate reaching 200 followers on Neocities. Will also be the future home to any other polls or questions or what-have-yous.

Loves An ode to my loved ones!


This is for my diaries, journals, logs, photo album... stuff like that!

Bedroom Landing

Diary Spring 2025

Photo Album A window to my world!

Travel Log Everything related to my adventures!

Bucket List A list of items on my bucket list

PMDD A place for me to discuss PMDD and my experiences with it

Pinboard My digital corkboard for my hopes, dreams, goals, and plans for 2025


Let's talk about fashion!

Wardrobe Landing

Outfit Log My attempt to beat outfit repeating: a log for all the outfits I wear!

Lolita The landing for all my lolita-adjacent pages.


My cottage's creative corner dedicated to my different hobbies and interests.

Studio Landing

Tarot A nook for the art of the Tarot.

Observations An exercise where I write down 10 different observations per week.

Muse Ariadne My page for the Neocities writing club Muse Ariadne.

Sewing Nook Landing page for all things sewing

Needlework For all things related to needlework and other fiber arts


A space dedicated to media and fandom stuff that I enjoy. Will include writing, reviews, and shrines!

Library Landing

Art Museum A virtual museum curated with some of my favorite artwork.

Book Shelf Come peruse my favorite books, along with books, articles, and other forms of writing that I find useful or interesting.

Bookbug My webpage for the Neocities book club Bookbug!

Favorite Characters My library's wall of fame, AKA a sampling of my favorite characters

Media Log Logs of the things I've read, watched, played, and listened to over the year!

Monthly Playlists Monthly playlists made up of my favrite songs at the moment

Ships Watch me tend to my brainrot garden in real time!


Where I store my media based-slash-"fannish" shrines.

The Holy Sanctum The hub for my shrines

Princess Guard: An Aerith Gainsborough Fanshrine A fanshrine dedicated to my favorite character of all time, Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII


Have a cup of tea with me!

Kitchen Landing

Food Log Food log for things I eat and make.

The Mad Tea Party Join me for a spot of tea at my shrine dedicated to tea parties!


Dedicated to various curiosities I hold close. Non-media/fandom based shrines and interests, basically. Anything that doesn't fit elsewhere.


Adopted Pixels A toybox for adopted pixels.

Stamp Album My "stamp album" of Deviantart styled stamps, blinkies, etc., that I've collected.


The garden growing outside my cottage––AKA, links off my website!

Links Landing

External Sites A collection of links that leads to stuff I find fun or fascinating. Let's surf the net!

Neighborhood Links to my webneighbors and websites that I enjoy!

Guilds A page for the webrings, weblistings, pixel clubs, etc. that I participate in.

Resources Credits to the resources I use to build this cottage (website)!

Weblistings & Webrings

For weblistings, rings, cliques, etc. that I own and operate.

West of Weird: A Gravity Falls Fanlisting My fanlisting for fans of the animated TV series Gravity Falls!

The Rainbow Fountain A weblisting for active Neopets players on the small web!